love that has no opposite (Aldous Huxley and Jiddu Krishnamurti)

love that has no opposite is unconditional and universal: no one is excluded – nothing is

this love is nondual, “the reconciliation of opposites in a total understanding and a total love”

Aldous Huxley:
A transcendent spontaneity of life – a creative reality, as Krishnamurti calls it  – reveals itself as immanent only when the perceiver’s mind is in a state of alert passivity, of choiceless awareness. Judgment and comparison commit us irrevocably to duality. Only choiceless awareness can lead to nonduality, to the reconciliation of opposites in a total understanding and a total love. Ama et fac quod vis. (Love and do what you will.) If you love, you may do what you will. But if you start by doing what you will, or by doing what you don’t will in obedience to some traditional system – of notions, ideals, and prohibitions – you will never love. The liberating process must begin with the choiceless awareness of what you will and of your reactions to the symbol system which tells you that you ought, or ought not, to will it. Through this choiceless awareness, as it penetrates the successive layers of the ego and its associated subconscious, will come love and understanding, but of another order than that with which we are ordinarily familiar. This choiceless awareness – at every moment and in all the circumstances of life – is the only effective meditation. All other forms of yoga lead either to the blind thinking which results from self-discipline, or to some kind of self-induced rapture, some form of false samadhi.

Huxley then quotes Krishnamurti as saying this spontaneity … this creative reality … 
is not a gift; it is to be discovered and experienced. It is not an acquisition to be gathered to yourself to glorify yourself. It is a state of being, as silence, in which there is no becoming, in which there is completeness. This creativeness may not necessarily seek expression; it is not a talent that demands outward manifestation. You need not be a great artist or have an audience; if you seek these, you will miss the inward reality. It is neither a gift, nor is it the outcome of talent; it is to be found, this imperishable treasure, where thought frees itself from lust, ill will, and ignorance, where thought frees itself from worldliness and personal craving to be. It is to be experienced through right thinking and meditation.

And he returns to sum up, ending what he has to say by again quoting Krishnamurti, this time on love:

Choiceless self-awareness will bring us to the creative reality which underlies all our destructive make-believes, to the tranquil wisdom which is always there, in spite of ignorance, in spite of the knowledge which is merely ignorance in another form. Knowledge is an affair of symbols and is, all too often, a hindrance to wisdom, to the uncovering of the self from moment to moment. A mind that has come to the stillness of wisdom “shall know being, shall know what it is to love. Love is neither personal nor impersonal. Love is love, not to be defined or described by the mind as exclusive or inclusive. Love is its own eternity; it is the real, the supreme, the immeasurable.”

source: page on the website – archived*


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the immeasurables: love, compassion, joy, and equanimity (!?)

Homo sapiens – an astronomer’s perspective

video: trailer for audiobook version of On the Future*

Martin Rees* – speaking in 2006 and quoted in 2010 by Christopher Hitchens:
Most educated people are aware that we are the outcome of nearly 4 billion years of Darwinian selection, but many tend to think that humans are somehow the culmination. Our sun, however, is less than halfway through its lifespan. It will not be humans who watch the sun’s demise, 6 billion years from now. Any creatures that then exist will be as different from us as we are from bacteria or amoebae.
source: article in The Atlantic, cached*

full talk: published as the essay Dark Materials*


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self-depreciating is now nonstandard, self-deprecating at stage 5 on Bryan Garner’s language-change index*


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!g deprecate/depreciate (!?)


Davos: “… an annual public dramatization of the good life in the god realm” (Curtis White)

see Curtis White, author (!i) … and linked article, archived*
We tend to think that the problem with the rich is simple: they are greedy. But it is more psychologically revealing to think of our plutocrats as residents in what Buddhism calls the god realm. On the Tibetan Wheel of Life, the topmost realm is occupied by the winners, the wealthy, and the privileged, for whom every benefit and pleasure is immediate and all suffering and ugliness is elsewhere. But the god realm is not only about greed—it is also about a certain psychology: anybody outside of the god realm doesn’t exist for the gods, mostly because they can’t be seen. It’s not only that our contemporary gods are cruel; it’s that others don’t exist for them except as data points—assessments of the public’s trust in brands, surveys of consumer optimism, wage growth, unemployment rates, savings rate, etc. The gods never see us, never mix with us, don’t know us except as flunkies and wage slaves, the redundant. We’re good for a laugh with our kooky conspiracy ideas, our community college degrees, our drug and alcohol melodramas, and our tawdry neighborhoods. Otherwise our world is terra incognita, a place of riot and malcontent, a place on the map where “there be monsters.”

Davos, on the other hand, is comforting. It is an annual public dramatization of the good life in the god realm. It’s a members-only event, badges are color-coded so there will be no confusion about who belongs and who doesn’t. CEOs, prime ministers, and some media elite get white badges; most journalists and support staff get orange and purple badges. It’s not as bad as swastikas and Stars of David, but you get the point.*


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Emmanuel Faber, pictured below, is now the ex-CEO of Danone.
In his new book, global ESG crusader Mark Carney [(!w2)] praises Faber as something of a hero and Danone as a prime example of how corporations can be reformed by redirecting their mission away from a hard focus on profits and shareholders. Carney gleefully repeated Faber’s claim last year that Danone had “toppled the statue of Milton Friedman.”*

OED entry: cod, n.7


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Jim Balsillie on regulatory capture by Big Tech

image source: National Post – see starred tweet*

Jim Balsillie:
Properly regulating insidious data collection and trafficking would force firms to compete based on the quality of their products, rather than their ability to spy on people and manipulate their behaviour.*


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