propaganda manufactures consent

article cached*

from a notrehta post:
you either think you know the truth
or see that it’s beyond the mind

relative truth is what is thought to be
and depends on what else is thought*

2021-07-06T12:33−07* / at the about* post – at – anyone can link to this post from its date: July 6, 2021
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to see the relative as relative …* / site search

We are being lied to. Constantly, and in more ways than we realize. By omission, by distortion, by half-truths and by outright deception. Our minds are being actively messed with by powerful people with limitless resources to ensure their continued domination of the planet at any cost. Our very perception of reality is being assaulted on myriad fronts. Until humanity finds a way to wake itself up from its propaganda-induced coma, the abuses of the powerful will continue.*
—Caitlin Johnstone

heat dome

Chris Hatch, in the Zero Carbon newsletter:
Here’s yet another phrase for our new vocabulary in the climate era: heat dome.

The heat dome building over British Columbia this weekend is expected to shatter records and spread east across the Prairies. Dangerous heat has already obliterated records across the western U.S. and from eastern Europe into Siberia.

What used to be the joyful beginning of summer has become a time of dread for those of us attuned to climate breakdown.*

2021-06-27T21:41−07* / at the about* post – at – anyone can link to this post from its date: June 27, 2021
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Canadian inferno: northern heat exceeds worst-case climate models*

Jacob Needleman, July 2020

Primordial Astonishment :: The Inner Greatness :: The Life of Ideas

primordial astonishment:

the inner greatness that announces itself in the form of a question:

why it’s so hard not to be evil

in the surveillance economy “there is perhaps nothing more valuable than knowing users’ locations”*

Whatever happened to “don’t be evil”? (!?)

2021-06-20T09:03−07* / at the about* post – at – anyone can link to this post from its date: June 20, 2021
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image is from the NYT piece

New Yorker art critic Peter Schjeldahl

excerpts from a 2007 talk at Boston University*

* * *

Peter Schjeldahl [SHEL-dahl] started work as a reporter in 1962 at the Jersey Journal, in Jersey City:
Hudson County, New Jersey, was epically corrupt. Several Jersey City mayors have gone to jail. One day, in 1963, a reporter hung up the phone and announced, “Tony Pro is having another press conference.” Mysteriously, everybody laughed. “Let’s send the kid,” someone said.

At the Teamsters headquarters in Union City, Tony (Pro) Provenzano sat behind an immense desk, flanked by central-casting bodyguards. Other reporters lounged and smoked. Only I had a notebook ready. Tony Pro told a series of obscene jokes about Attorney General Robert Kennedy, who was crusading against the Mob. And that was that. Tony Pro stood at the door shaking hands with us. Crinkle. In my palm was the first fifty-dollar bill I had ever seen. I said thanks, but I really couldn’t. I set the bill down when he wouldn’t take it back.

Staring eyes greeted my return to the paper, and the editor-in-chief called me into his office and shut the door. He said, “I don’t know what you did or what you said, and I don’t want to know. Never do it or say it again.”

see source, archived*

2021-06-12T09:32−07* / at the about* post – at – anyone can link to this post from its date: June 12, 2021

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Gödel's incompleteness theorem explained

Roger Penrose explains Gödel's incompleteness theorem to Joe Rogan

as Nagarjuna explained in the second century:
what is thought to be
depends on
what is thought to be
or is assumed

it is relative truth

absolute truth is simply what is
and depends on nothing else*

2021-06-05T22:58−07* / at the about* post – at – anyone can link to this post from its date: June 5, 2021

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it’s a privilege …

it’s a privilege to educate yourself about racism instead of experiencing it

from the CUC Dismantling Racism study group’s final report:
you also can read the whole 44-page report in a PDF viewer like the one above*

from an article by Renée Chereez:*
Almost every day, I learn something new about the history I thought I knew. When I learn parts of history that were erased, I’m struck by how well the machine that is white supremacy works to keep marginalized people oppressed.

Because white supremacy is deeply woven into the fabric of society regardless of what part of the globe you live, due diligence must be taken.

Anti-racism work must be approached with eyes wide open, with deep commitment, and a knowing that this is life-long work.

There are no time-outs and days off.

2021-06-01T10:08−07* / at the about* post – at – anyone can link to this post from its date: June 1, 2021

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image credit: James Eades*
