a disclaimer

nothing on these sites* is other than something once thought worth noting

nothing here now intentionally follows a path or suggests you follow one or do
anything other than see for yourself – through self-inquiry – at every moment*

nothing posted is other than thought expressed

what is thought is not what is – except in the mind or by agreement

2020-09-29T15:27−08* / September 29, 2020
*a link – see a note on notes and links, and maybe see also the about post and the archive of miscellany, notrehta, or fw posts

image credit: eluoec*

self-inquiry / Ramana Maharshi (!?)

no one is other than form, feeling, perception, thought, and consciousness*

no one is as they are thought to be, nor are they otherwise*

no one need do more more than need be done to be and let be,
to live and let live, and to keep on keeping on with appamāda

!* appamāda / careful, conscious awareness: the opposite of that loss of attention that allows us to be forgetful, carried away, or lost (!?)
asking only for appamāda, alertness, being awake to what is, choiceless awareness
“at every moment and in all the circumstances of life” / Aldous Huxley (!?)

last edit: 2022-11-24