about sites and posts

image from pinned tweet* – the link bit.ly/dateposted there is to this post about sites and posts*

hover over any link to see where it takes you*

links of interest are ☛ here and now
– see dates in notes below for more

three sites in this posthaven account:
may all be well and do no harm*

George / Atherton|notrehta [ATH-er-tuhn|not-REY-tuh]*

*asterisks may link to anything (!*) – hover/click on links for destinations* / see more notes below and see also a disclaimer*

dates of a few posts and other items on whatever site:

three custom links to this post you are reading: ☛ bit.ly/datepostedtiny.cc/citedbit.ly/notrehta

link to a post with more details on the featured image above on where we are: ☛ 2018-12-17

2025-03-11 … most recent edit / other than in the list of dates

uncopyright: what you may think of as mine in a post is yours as well to use as you please – and if you link back to the post, thanks for that
