UUnderWorld – February 2025 / spread the word

see also the original submission for the item on page 27: line by line*

spread the word with this message from editor John Miller:
Have you heard about UUnderWorld?

Since the last General Assembly, a new, free, independent, reader submitting, online magazine has begun, and we're going on our 10th monthly issue! We are working to become a platform for unfiltered and interesting contributions from liberal spiritual people of all shapes and sizes, to discuss and contemplate issues about Unitarianism, Universalism, church management & philosophy and lots of other topics. We have editorials, letters, cartoons, ads and news.

All current and past issues are available at our new website UUnderWorld.com. You can also be added to the email list there. Check them out! We depend on readers sharing the issues to get help the word out, so please share with your congregation, minister, friends, family and total strangers.

If you want to comment or send something in to be included in the next issue, please send to UUnderWorld74@gmail.com. Flexible deadline is the 1st of each month.


John Griffin Miller, editor

*a link – an asterisk may link to anything (!*) – hover over these and other links for details* / items below relate to the above

document in PDF reader copied from original* on date of this post

TK* / to come (!?)*