cited 2018-01-30

notes and links:

one definition of buddha nature: the natural doing and not doing in any selfless being

to say that nothing is not buddha nature is to say that all being is selfless

“And not only man, but all things in the universe are without self, without a fixed nature that abides from moment to moment.” Jacob Needleman (on Buddhism) – in his afterword to the Dhammapada

!g “love, compassion, joy, and equanimity” / see especially Thich Nhat Hanh

!gb “the interdependent web …” (Forrest Gilmore)

!g “nothing is as it seems, nor is it otherwise”

picture of orca/buddha was cropped from this photo by Bryan Goff

text from image, unformatted:

buddha nature
nothing is not buddha nature;
nothing depends on nothing,
and nothing doesn’t change
simply be aware of being aware,
wanting nothing and doing no more
than need be done
to be and let be,
to live and let live
with love, compassion,
joy, and equanimity
just be, and let the mind just be as well
only in the mind is any being separate from
the interdependent web of all existence
and in imagined otherness wanting reality
to be other than it seems to be
nothing is as it seems, nor is it otherwise

tweets that include the image:

[later tweets go here]

link to this post from the about post: 2018-01-30
