the eVinci™ micro reactor may be the first SMR deployed in Canada

video from Westinghouse Nuclear web page*

sourced from PDF of a 2019 article on the same website:
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” This statement, attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, one of the greatest minds in creative, practical inventions in human history, embodies the guiding principles of the  Westinghouse eVinci™ micro reactor design. The eVinci design is based on demonstrated technology that can revolutionize how remote locations access clean, reliable energy.

In codevelopment arrangements with national laboratories, design partners, and utilities, Westinghouse is developing the eVinci micro reactor to serve remote residential, industrial, and military energy consumers who are not connected to a national grid. The eVinci micro reactor employs a nuclear battery concept as the energy generator. It is being designed to deliver combined heat and power from 200 kWe to 5 MWe from a compact monolithic core surrounded by additional fission product barriers and fully enclosed in a protective canister that can be transported by road, rail, and sea.

Westinghouse and the associated team are aiming to complete the design, testing, analysis, and licensing to build a demonstration unit by 2022, test by 2023, and have the eVinci ready for commercial deployment by 2025. Aggressive as this schedule is, Westinghouse believes it has the right strategy, skill set, and lessons learned from previous experience in deploying first-of-a-kind nuclear technology to meet these targets.*
 “nuclear battery concept” – the canister fits inside a standard shipping container swapped out every 3+ years:

2021-05-12T16:26−07* / at the about* post – at – anyone can link to this post from its date: May 12, 2021

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nuclear* / results of site-specific search for this term
