Tom Rachman on why the Royal Family is still around

“a disunited kingdom, humbled but not humble, lurching between bombast and insecurity”

see tweeted article, archived*

an outstanding piece by Tom Rachman (!?)

To associate yourself with anything that makes you feel less small, that you don’t need to compete for but is unconditionally yours – surely, this longing is understandable, when even the lucky and confident dread where politics is headed and what tech is making us; are stressed about soaring prices, the war in Ukraine, insanity in the culture; afraid of hackers and viruses, both digital and respiratory; bewildered by online trends that seem ridiculous till they obsess millions, and you must join or be left behind. Not to mention the environment.

So, no, it’s not mad to want something to hold onto, something stable, a comfort. For some, the royals are that.


*a link; see a note on notes and links and a disclaimer; see also the about post and the archives of miscellany, notrehta, or fw posts
