thorium-powered 560°C heat source in standard 40’ container

The company has energy as a service (!*) as its business model to “develop, build, maintain, and decommission a fleet of autonomous reactors, … to sell energy as a service through the heat transferred to [its] customers via 560°C hot salt and metered by the MWh.”

image from tweet in notes below

please see also James Hansen on nuclear power in the post thorium: no meltdowns, no bombs
For us to halt and reverse climate change at our current level of energy use or higher requires us “to develop a new generation of nuclear-power plants, which use thorium-fueled molten salt reactors [an alternative nuclear technology] that fundamentally cannot have a meltdown.” James Hansen (Rolling Stone, 22 December 2016 )*

*a link; see a note on notes and links and a disclaimer; see also the about post and the archives of miscellany, notrehta, or fw posts

Each of the 25 numbered sheds contains two 40-foot containers and each of these generates 100 MWt.
The configuration generates enough thermal energy for a (formerly coal-fired) power station rated at 1 GWe.

Thomas Jam Pedersen (!*) at TEDx Copenhagen in 2016:

transcript of an interview dated 2022-01-17