obesity: it’s not sloth, it’s the food

What particularly is it about the food? Is it sugar? No. Is it fats? No. It’s the fact we engineer our foods in labs and focus group test them to make sure you eat too much. That’s literally the point of these big industries: to make sure you buy as much as you can. That’s how they make money. Obesity has come up right alongside the availability and engineering of processed foods.*

Hadzas are seven times more active than most of us but burn only a few more calories. They stay slim because they ingest fewer calories than we do, shielded as they are from processed foods that are engineered, focus group–tested, and selected for their power to make us want to consume more.

see article – archived*


*a link; see a note on notes and links; see also a disclaimer / … and maybe browse or search the post archive*
