Aung San Suu Kyi

It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.
—Aung San Suu Kyi (Freedom from Fear)

!gb “… but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it”

John le Carré: CBC interview

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Donald Trump at age 55

Donald Trump calls in to WWOR/UPN 9 News on 9/11

(set to begin playback at the start of the 23 seconds of interest)

here is one take on what has been said and done by this man:

whatever in all being is thought of as Donald Trump is an ever-present consequence of whatever is thought of as not Donald Trump

in short:

if Donald Trump is a problem, the problem is just as much not Donald Trump

so here we are today, with our childish Caligula* now 71 years old:

* h/t John le Carré; see also the post John le Carré: CBC interview

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about sites and posts

image from pinned tweet* – the link there is to this post about sites and posts*

hover over any link to see where it takes you*

links of interest are ☛ here and now
– see dates in notes below for more

three sites in this posthaven account:
may all be well and do no harm*

George / Atherton|notrehta [ATH-er-tuhn|not-REY-tuh]*

*asterisks may link to anything (!*) – hover/click on links for destinations* / see more notes below and see also a disclaimer*

dates of a few posts and other items on whatever site:

three custom links to this post you are reading: ☛

link to a post with more details on the featured image above on where we are: ☛ 2018-12-17

2025-03-11 … most recent edit / other than in the list of dates

uncopyright: what you may think of as mine in a post is yours as well to use as you please – and if you link back to the post, thanks for that
