UUnderWorld – March 2025 / spread the word

see also the original submission for the item on page 27: line by line*

spread the word with this message from editor John Miller:
Have you heard about UUnderWorld?

Since the last General Assembly, a new, free, independent, reader submitting, online magazine has begun, and we're going on our 11th monthly issue! We are working to become a platform for unfiltered and interesting contributions from liberal spiritual people of all shapes and sizes, to discuss and contemplate issues about Unitarianism, Universalism, church management & philosophy and lots of other topics. We have editorials, letters, cartoons, ads and news.

All current and past issues are (or will be soon) available at our new website UUnderWorld.com. You can also be added to the email list there. Check them out! Our guerilla distribution system depends on readers sharing the issues to get help the word out, so please share with your congregation, minister, friends, family and total strangers.

If you want to comment or send something in to be included in the next issue, please send to UUnderWorld74@gmail.com. Flexible deadline is the 1st of each month.


John Griffin Miller, editor

*a link – an asterisk may link to anything (!*) – hover/click on these and other links for destinations* / items below relate to the above

document in PDF reader copied from original* on date of this post

TK* / to come (!?)*

UUnderWorld – February 2025 / spread the word

see also the original submission for the item on page 27: line by line*

spread the word with this message from editor John Miller:
Have you heard about UUnderWorld?

Since the last General Assembly, a new, free, independent, reader submitting, online magazine has begun, and we're going on our 10th monthly issue! We are working to become a platform for unfiltered and interesting contributions from liberal spiritual people of all shapes and sizes, to discuss and contemplate issues about Unitarianism, Universalism, church management & philosophy and lots of other topics. We have editorials, letters, cartoons, ads and news.

All current and past issues are available at our new website UUnderWorld.com. You can also be added to the email list there. Check them out! We depend on readers sharing the issues to get help the word out, so please share with your congregation, minister, friends, family and total strangers.

If you want to comment or send something in to be included in the next issue, please send to UUnderWorld74@gmail.com. Flexible deadline is the 1st of each month.


John Griffin Miller, editor

*a link – an asterisk may link to anything (!*) – hover over these and other links for details* / items below relate to the above

document in PDF reader copied from original* on date of this post

TK* / to come (!?)*

UBI for a sustainable, poverty-free tomorrow

a clear case for universal basic income,
and maybe that is true as well for
universal healthcare and
for universal education

*a link – an asterisk may link to anything (!*) – hover over these and other links for details* / items below relate to the above

infographic from June 2024 issue of UBC Alumni Magazine*

extraordinary times call for commensurate measures / Rashid Sumaila of UBC on UBI (!?)*

basic income: some policy options for Canada (!?)** / PDFs from 2021 by Basic Income Canada Network*

TK* / to come (!?)*

UUnderWorld – January 2025 / spread the word

spread the word with this message from editor John Miller:
Have you heard about UUnderWorld?

Since the last General Assembly, a new, free, independent, reader submitting, online magazine has begun, and we've sent out 9 monthly issues! We are working to become a platform for unfiltered and interesting contributions from liberal spiritual people of all shapes and sizes, to discuss and contemplate issues about Unitarianism, Universalism, church management & philosophy and lots of other topics. We have editorials, letters, cartoons, ads and news. We are working toward a vibrant "help wanted" section for job seekers and openings.

All current and past issues will be available at our spankin' new website UUnderWorld.com. You can also be added to the email list there. Check them out! We depend on readers sharing the issues to get help the word out, so please share with your congregation, minister, friends, family and total strangers.

If you want to comment or send something in to be included in the next issue, please send to UUnderWorld74@gmail.com. Flexible deadline is the 2nd of each month.


John Griffin Miller, editor

*a link – an asterisk may link to anything (!*) – hover over these and other links for details* / items below relate to the above

document in PDF reader copied from original* on date of this post

TK* / to come (!?)*

animation: a UU who-we-are video from 2016

video uploaded by UUA to Vimeo in June 2019 – seen today on the home page for North Shore Unitarians*

Vimeo transcript excerpt from 1:48
What unites us are our core Principles that uphold seven real world values: Believing in the worthiness of every person, showing compassion and fairness, accepting others for who they are. Growing through a personal search for truth, leading with democratic spirit, working for justice, and understanding that everything is interconnected.

Seven days a week Unitarian Universalists live these principles by doing. When we gather, we worship, reflect, and remind ourselves what matters most in life. Whatever our age, we learn to live with more wisdom, more awareness, more gratitude, and more soul.…

*a link – an asterisk may link to anything (!*) – hover over these and other links for details* / items below relate to the above

… from 2016 / when this video first appeared on YouTube*

Vimeo transcript text copied as is, with time stamps then removed and line breaks added … + one serial comma

UUA members are still free to affirm and promote the seven principles / UUA itself no longer does:
see the document shared values and diverse beliefs for one take on the UUA position following the 2024 GA

an eighth principle (!?) was never adopted by UUA, but it was by CUC, and members affirm and promote it*

TK* / to come (!?)*



free-range people
loving being
may affirm and promote

    the inherent worth and dignity of every person and any being

as their first and last principle,
paired with the zeroth precept*

*a link – an asterisk may link to anything (!*) – hover over these and other links for details* / items below relate to the above

wordsmithing (!?) / deprecated (!?) in the CUC process of adopting the eighth principle (!?)

free-range … / Unitarian Universalists (!?)*  … a 40-second clip from a 17-minute video*

loving being / see updated credo: evolution and extinction*

the inherent worth and dignity of every person and any being / -bible (!? !*)

dignity / the quality or state of being worthy of … respect (!?)*

TK* / to come (!?)*


line by line – selection for December UUnderWorld / submitted 2024-11-30

*a link – an asterisk may link to anything (!*) – hover over these and other links for details* / items below relate to the above

appended comment to “submitted” line on the link log at bit.ly/link-log (and via bit.ly/link-log+),
which now reads: submitted … the lines below to UUnderWorld* / see post on this*

TK* / to come (!?)*

the real Israel

image above and text below courtesy of Caitlin Johnstone – see endnote

One of the very few good things coming out of the relentless nightmare happening in Gaza is that at long last the western world is getting a clear look at Israel. The real Israel.

Not the Israel they teach you about in school. Not “the only democracy in the middle east,” where Jews were given safe haven after their victimization at the hands of the Nazis and managed to create a thriving society despite existing in a sea of savage enemies bent on their destruction.

Not that Israel. The real one. Arguably the most racist society on earth, whose existence has depended on nonstop violence, theft, tyranny, and abuse since its very inception.

The real Israel, whose government is deliberately and methodically starving Palestinian civilians to death by the tens of thousands just for being the wrong ethnicity.

The real Israel, whose snipers routinely murders Palestinian children by shooting them in the head.

The real Israel, whose military is so sadistic that it created an AI system to specifically target suspected Hamas fighters when they are at home with their families. And they called the AI “Where’s Daddy?” because it would be killing fathers with their children.

The real Israel, whose soldiers cannot stop posting footage of themselves mockingly dressed in the undergarments of dead and displaced Palestinian women and playing with the toys of dead and displaced Palestinian children.

The real Israel, where Palestinian doctors are raped and tortured to death.

The real Israel, where the majority of men do not believe acquaintance rape or spousal rape are real crimes, and where the majority do not believe the soldiers accused of raping and torturing a Palestinian prisoner to the point of severe injury should face criminal charges.

The real Israel, that routinely bombs buildings full of civilians and then uses sniper drones to pick off the survivors, including children.

The real Israel, whose drones have been heard playing the sounds of crying babies and screaming women in order to lure out civilians so they can be killed.

The real Israel, that has damaged or destroyed 94 percent of the healthcare facilities in Gaza with hundreds of targeted attacks.

The real Israel, whose military forces target medical staff so methodically that doctors and nurses in Gaza reportedly change out of their uniforms when they leave the hospital in order to avoid assassination.

The real Israel, that hates truth so much that it has been killing historic numbers of journalists in Gaza while preventing foreign journalists from entering the enclave.

The real Israel, that has been knowingly attacking the locations of humanitarian aid workers.

The real Israel, whose citizens are so warped and twisted that they attend boat tours to cheerfully witness the devastation in the Gaza Strip.

The real Israel, whose citizens set up blockades to prevent aid trucks from getting to starving civilians in Gaza while they enjoy barbecues and set up bouncy castles and cotton candy machines for their children.

The real Israel, whose TikTok influencers started a viral trend mocking the suffering of civilians in Gaza.

The real Israel, whose citizens will travel to another country and tear down Palestinian flags and sing about how there are no children left in Gaza and then cry victim when people fight back.

This is the real Israel, in all its glory. And it is good that it is being seen. 

The sooner everyone stops supporting this freakish, murderous society and begins insisting that normal human values win out over the demented forces which keep it going, the sooner there can be peace in the region. And the better off our entire species will be.

*a link – an asterisk may link to anything (!*) – hover over these and other links for details* / items below relate to the above

☛ copied from a November 20 Substack post by Caitlin Johnstone that includes audio and comments*

TK* / to come (!?)*


how common humanity gets lost in the jargon of inclusivity / Neil Gonsalves

*a link – an asterisk may link to anything (!*) – hover over these and other links for details* / items below relate to the above

see transcript* / copy-pasted as is, so for authoring read othering, and so on

TK* / to come (!?)*