the three marks of existence: anicca, anatta, and dukkha

“The Buddha taught that the three basic realities of the universe are that everything is constantly changing, nothing has any enduring essence, and nothing is completely satisfying.” —Yuval Noah Harari (!gb)

the three marks of existence: anicca, anatta, and dukkha (!?)

other than in the abstract,

  • nothing is unchanging
  • nothing is independent
  • nothing is perfect
this is so for everything and everyone: nothing is other than this – no one is


The Buddha taught that the three basic realities of the universe are that everything is constantly changing, nothing has any enduring essence, and nothing is completely satisfying. You can explore the furthest reaches of the galaxy, of your body, or of your mind, but you will never encounter something that does not change, that has an eternal essence, and that completely satisfies you.

Suffering emerges because people fail to appreciate this. …
