Margaret Wheatley interviewed on Leadermorphosis video (April 2019)

You may also want to listen to the more recent January 2020 CBC interview.

“Margaret Wheatley believes civilization is on the brink of collapse. She is training ‘warriors for the human spirit’ all over the world to combat despair.” —CBC

Margaret Wheatley endorses reviving old words: valiant, for instance. One worth reviving is mage – in general meaning “a person of exceptional wisdom and learning” (OED: mage, n.) – to use instead of leader or warrior, two words with well-established associations for most people, associations not in line with what is called for here.

If civilization is past hope and we are indeed in a time of despair, I'd most want to be with not a so-called leader or warrior but a mage – as guide, philosopher, and friend – ideally one interested in and committed to simply listening.

“One of the easiest human acts is also the most healing. Listening to someone. Simply listening. Not advising or coaching, but silently and fully listening.”
—Margaret Wheatley (!gb)
