

nothing isn’t dukkha: nothing is perfect, ideal,
complete, beyond change, beyond dependence


reactivity arises: a desire
for things to be otherwise


nothing doesn’t change:
whatever arises ceases


as reactivity ceases,
a way of life emerges
as one to cultivate,
one with eight aspects
in three groups:

  ethics – speech, action, and livelihood

  meditation – effort, mindfulness, and concentration

  wisdom – understanding and motivation

cultivating this way of life helps one
experience dukkha with equanimity

no one need do more than need be done
to be and let be, to live and let live with
love, compassion, joy, and equanimity

to live this way is to be well

may all be well

and do no harm*

*a link – an asterisk may link to anything (!*) – hover over links for details* / notes below relate to items above

the present* – a post that introduces the three marks of existence – links to this post

dukkha … samudaya … nirodha … magga (!?)

nothing isn’t dukkha: nothing is perfect, ideal, complete, beyond change, beyond dependence;
so everything is dukkha – and because in English there is no one right word for it, it’s here as is

ethics, meditation, and wisdom (!?)*

effort, mindfulness, and concentration (!?)*

experience dukkha with equanimity (!?)

love, compassion, joy, and equanimity (!?)