be kind, caring, and joyful, wanting nothing …

be kind, caring, and joyful,
wanting nothing to be or not to be other than it is,
doing no more than need be done to be and let be kind, caring, and joyful,
wanting nothing to be or not to be other than it is
and seeing that nothing depends on nothing and nothing doesn’t change;
that nothing is other than this, that no one is; and that no one need do more
than need be done to be and let be

notes and links

Duckduckgo bang commands (!?) here link to results for words they follow when the commands are in parentheses, for words they precede when they are not: 

!tw “… things are not as they are seen, nor are they otherwise” (Lankavatara Sutra) / results on Twitter

image credit: Charlie Mackesy, “The Boy, the Mole, …” (!?)

the image, used in the tweet
is copied from one used in this tweet:

be kind, caring, and joyful, wanting nothing to be or not to be other than it is

!g be and let be, live and let live with “love, compassion, joy, and equanimity” (!?)