Anansi tries to steal all the wisdom in the world

Anansi (!britannica)

“A myth is a story that encodes but does not necessarily explain a universal human experience.”
—Richard Holloway, former bishop (of Edinburgh) (!?)

wisdom from Anansi’s gourd is wherever it is seen:

“… things are not as they are seen, nor are they otherwise” / Lankavatara Sutra (!tw)

When the observer is the observed, there is only the observed, not the observer.
—Jiddu Krishnamurti (!?) / source

The notion of a separate organism is clearly an abstraction, as is also its boundary.
—David Bohm (!?)

other than in the abstract, nothing is unchanging, and nothing depends on nothing: nothing is an entity

only in the mind is anything or anyone an entity, and to imagine otherwise is dukkha (!?)

The great and beautiful secret of meditation practice is this: you can experience dukkha with equanimity.
—Zoketsu Norman Fischer (!?)

no one need do more than need be done to be and let be with love, compassion, joy, and equanimity (!?)

All of the above notwithstanding, hidden in plain sight is the obvious: “All we know is stories.” (!gi)
